The National Association of Asian Pacifics in Politics and Public Affairs (NAAPPPA) is proud to present the 2017 list of the top 40 AAPI political operatives and public affairs professionals under 40. NAAPPPA established this list to highlight the growing number of AAPIs who are beginning to dominate the professional unelected side of politics. These honorees represent groundbreaking AAPI campaign strategists, lobbyists, legislative staff, and corporate public affairs professionals that work behind the scenes to elect and advance AAPI electeds and the AAPI community. These elite individuals are breaking the meek Asian model minority stereotype by excelling in the rough and tumble, rule-bending, bare knuckle world of American politics.
NAAPPPA is a non-partisan non-profit national organization dedicated to promote and develop Asian American and Pacific Islander career advancement and excellence in political consulting, public affairs, and legislative advocacy through networking, innovative training, and professional development programs. NAAPPPA’s members include legislative staff and professionals specializing in political campaigns, direct mail, polling, communications, opposition research, political compliance, fundraising, public and government affairs, media relations, and legislative advocacy.
Download full list and bio here.
Updated 04.28.16 - 1:01 AM PST - List by alphabetical order:
Matt Alonsozana: Managing Partner, Percipient Strategies
Ambika Bist: Account Manager, Google
Ed Chen: Director of Government Affairs, Athens Services
Jay Cheng: Senior Account Director, Imprenta Communications
Edmond Cheung: Chief Consultant, California Assembly Communications & Conveyance Committee
Steven Cheung: Special Assistant to the President & Asst. Communications Dir., The White House
John Choi: Southern California Policy Manager, Airbnb
Anna Chu: Vice President for Income Security & Education, National Women’s Law Center
Evan Corder: Chief of Staff, California Assemblymember Rob Bonta
May Davis: Assistant Staff Secretary, White House
Michael Escoto: Digital Strategist, Republican National Committee
Ninio Fetalvo: Assistant Press Secretary, White House
Amanda Gualderama: Regional Government Relations Director, Sentry Insurance
Christine Hironaka: Asst. Dir. for Policy Development, California Dept. of Resources, Recycling & Recovery
Elliott Yoshio Hulse: Associate Research Director in the White House Communications Department
Christina Kuo: Senior Strategist, Grassroots Solutions
Genevieve V. Jopanda: Chief of Staff, California Board of Equalization Member Fiona Ma
Krystal Ka’ai: Executive Director, Congressional Asian Pacific American Congressional Caucus
Gene Kim: Senior Account Director, Imprenta Communications
Peter Kim: Regional Outreach Services Manager, California State Board of Equalization
Annie Lam: Principal, Lam Consulting
John Lee: Chief Technology Officer, NGP VAN
Joy Lee: Associate Counsel, Americans for Prosperity
Olivia Lee: Public Policy Manager, Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce
Kevin Liao: Press Secretary, California Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon
Luigi Luciano: Policy Advisor, Orange County Supervisor Andrew Do
Nithin Mathew: Political Director, California Republican Party
John Nam: Chief of Staff, California Assemblymember Kansen Chu
Chris Nguyen: Founding Partner, Western American Public Affairs
Ha Nguyen McNeill: Chief of Staff and Vice President of Operations, BSA
Kenton Ngo: Director Analytics, Progressive Change Campaign Committee
Raj Shah: Deputy Communications Director, White House
Chandra S. Sharma: Executive Vice President, Meridian Pacific
Stacey Shin: Political Compliance Attorney, Kaufman Legal Group
John Tang: Senior Manager of Public Affairs & Communications, Coca Cola Company
Jessica Vu: Public Information Coordinator & Assistant General Counsel, Texas Governor Greg Abbott
Annie Wang: Director of Analytics, The Analyst Institute
Stephen P. Wong: Director of Asian Engagement, Republican Party of Texas
Sharon Yang: Global Politics and Government Outreach, Facebook
Jared Yoshiki: Policy Consultant, California Assembly Republican Caucus
Please send any corrections and recommendations for next year’s NAAPPPA 40 Under 40 List to execdir@naapppa.org.